Spring is in full swing over here, which has pushed my yarn habit to the back burner for a little while.
Back in March when the weather was unseasonably nice, we started building raised beds for our garden.
We added little broccoli seedlings from a seed-swap; planted beets, califlower, kale, & collard greens from seed; then a month later, we filled another whole bed with peas from seed and transplanted tomatoes (we started ourselves) in another bed.
It was all still manageable until this past weekend
Now it is like a mad dash to get everything in before it is too late. ? I don't know what "too-late" is, other than transplants getting too big or the bbq we're having next weekend. So it has been pretty hectic around here from the moment we both get off work to the time we crash in bed, we are always outside getting dirty in the garden.
Tomato starts, overlooking the backyard & the raised beds.
Last weekend my husband took out the sad, collapsing, white picket fence with our neighbors' help & finished fencing in the remaining raised beds & strawberries.
Wednesday he tilled the east strip of our yard for the red & yellow onion transplants & asparagus seedlings. Chives & June-bearing strawberries were already in the bed so he had to till around them.
Strawberries setting their first fruits back in April!
Friday he finished tilling behind the garage for the popcorn & potatoes (red & yukon). We also talked to a guy about putting in a new fence (yay!)
This weekend we're hoping to finish any veggie planting and get the front flower beds planted. Our town has a Memorial Day parade that goes right down our street and my husband wants our yard to look good ;) hehe.
*Sorry this doesn't have much about yarning, but I'd hate to leave you thinking I'm not doing ANYthing ;)