Custom Order: Socks

A friend of mine from xanga asked if I would be interested in making six pairs of socks for her and her two grandchildren.  Of course I would love to give her handmade items to enjoy!  Not to mention it would give me an excuse to dust off The Ultimate Sock Book and my sock-knitting skills.

Granddaughter pair #2 - New Year's Eve

Grandson pair #1 - denim inspired. - Christmas traveling

I can happily say I am back to knitting a sock, not only competently, but by memory now!  ... if only as of the most recent sock...

Pair #1 - "oatmeal"

I completed the whole leg of sock #2 at a hockey game Saturday night...

Hockey game

and I was able to get the rest of the heel and almost the whole foot done while watching Downton Abbey Sunday night.

This is wonderful progress after the first sock took nearly 5 days (due to my own mess-ups on measuring properly).

Are you crafting anything post holidays?