Last Friday I finally started some seeds and planted one of our raised beds with beets, kohlrabi, kale and spinach. Although it was a chilly 45* degrees and I'm sure I was a sight planting seeds in my winter coat, all four seed packets insisted I can plant "as soon as the ground can be worked." So that's what I did.
Here's hoping they grow and no bunnies or deer or robins get to them before me. :)
Pictured is a hand-me-down from my father. But I’m thinking about getting this next year: Quick Start Germination Tray with 2" Dome
Seeds started: 4 rhubarb, 4 butternut squash, 4 bell peppers, 4 yellow crook-neck squash, 8 broccoli.
What are you starting in your spring garden this year?
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