July Art Walk

Well, the July Art Walk was definitely fun and I'm so glad I did it with a friend.  I think it takes a lot of the nervousness out of doing something new because you can encourage each other.  And we definitely learned a lot about selling our crafts as well as hosting a physical space.  We took notes and have already started discussing what we'll improve on for next month's event.

One of the best things I learn from hosting a physical space, is seeing what others touch and what they say about my items.  I've had suggestions for wine cozies due to a woman's cooing over Longies and a washcloth mitten from a soap saver.  

I always try to note what people purchase and what colors.  I haven't been able to really find a pattern yet to predict what will sell, but at least I know what to make more of.  This time: one yellow/white soap saver, one set of blue/green hot mits, and one grey and brown thick crocheted hat.

I sold the bottom-right grey/brown hat.

I've also learned what items' inventory I need to bulk up.  Namely: hot mits, baby socks, coaster sets, and now No Scratch baby mittens (a new obsession thanks to Field Wonderful).

Coaster sets in a hanging fruit basket.
I think setting up a physical space increases my creativity in how to display my items and what goes with what.  I did get a couple compliments on my clothesline which I thought was appropriate for things that might be hung on a line.  :)

My half of the tent.  I joined up with Thistle & Bees.
Crochet braceletes

I also offered a free bracelete to anyone who mentioned seeing my posts on Facebook but I didn't have any takers.  I did get one on Instagram, though!  My cousin from Georgia will be getting a few in the mail in a few days.  :)

So that what July's Art Walk.  A fun time with good friends.  We had many friends & family members stop out and support us which was GREATLY appreciated!

It's One of Those Days

The ones that are too-few coming in 2012 but have hit me like an Energizer-Bunny tonight :]

The beautiful productivity of constant-motivation (still going strong for over 4 hours!!).  Almost seems like one of those new 5-hour-energy commercials.  Anyway, check out all the progress!

I have photographed & drafted 6+ listings today; including a new cowl with my cousin modeling!

I will be staggering the dishcloth listings over the weekend, but you can enjoy the new cowls tonight!

My Autumn earwarmer was featured in a treasury today!

See it?  Bottom-right corner.

Did I blow up your Newsfeed today?  I apologize; some sort of creative bug grabbed hold of me this afternoon and I couldn't help feeling the need to share those stories with my followers.  Did you find any inspiration?  Or should I stop sharing others' posts/pictures and keep it to just Etsy shop-related stories?

I have more to share but I guess I ought to save some for another post and that energy is finally starting to slow (after 6+ hours!).  Anyone else excited for the new year?

Magnets & Ear Warmers Everywhere!

This is what all those new ear warmers looked like, all lined up, waiting to be displayed in the shop "window."

A few already listed...


It doesn't happen very often, but its fun having so much [for me] lined up; kind of looks "primary" in all their solid color blocks.

And all these magnets...

I only photographed half of the 17 completed pairs.  I'll either save the other half for a craft/ house show or list them once some of these start selling.  

I was thinking, not only could you use these for the dishwasher, but the washing machine and dryer (if you share the chore with someone else).  They are magnetic, too!

Anyone else feeling accomplished and/or spring fever? :]

Out Takes

I'm not usually one to post out-takes of my "photo shoots," especially when they involve my face, but some of these turned out so cute, I couldn't resist sharing in some way.  I hope you won't mind a narcissistic post just this once.

Getting a detail shot...

"Did I get it in the frame?"....

This is what my arm looked like after getting all those ear warmers photographed.  They each have a pair, too.  Are you ready to pick out your favorite? ;)

If you enjoyed this post, let me know if I should do more like it. 

It May Be Classified as an Addiction at this Point...

...my ear warmer knitting that is.

I think the discovery of Downton Abbey pushed it to an obsession.

I wonder if this show will bring some of this fashion back into style?

So elegant & graceful

Because the show is so intense and sucks you in, I have to have something in my hands to be working my excitement out but the pattern can't be anything too complex or I mess it up in all the excitement & anticipation.

Especially last night, watching the season finale!

And since the ear warmer pattern is just that well memorized for me, I am able to crank out at least one if not two ear warmers per episode! [Though it is more like one and half per episode].

Yeah.... this is some of the *damage* of that.

Now if only I enjoyed sewing buttons as much (and as quickly) as I do the knitting part..... [because that is all that holds them back from the shop].

Lazy Lately

Excuse me as I've been laying low the last half of last week and this weekend.  I think all our travels with different friends every weekend for the last 4 weeks has taken its toll on my energies.

I'm happy to report it hasn't stopped my knitting much, but it has slowed down my progress on projects.

I hope you will stick around; This weekend is the first since Jan. 28th that we will be in town and I'm so excited!  You'd think we were leaving on a vacation! haha.  As always, I have way to much on my Want-To-Do List for Saturday (Sunday is our Day of Laziness & my brother's 20th birthday) plus there is a Seed Swap that I will *absolutely* be attending so we'll see how much I can squeeze in.

I promise there is a LOT of Etsy & crafting on the TOP of that list.  :]

P.S. Check out PrettyWit's adorable Valentine Note to her winning Rose Pink Ear Warmer.  I'm infatuated with her graphic art. :]

Week Four's Winner

Yay for a healthy collection of comments on this last week's giveaway.  And a big Congratulations to Debbie!

She chose the dark blue ear warmer.

And with that, January's series of Giveaways ends.  I want to thank everyone for all your support & for "playing" with me.  :)  I hope to do something like this again.  (I'm always taking suggestions!  Leave them in the comments please)  This has been a fun feature of each week and now I have to figure out what to fill it with. .... hmm..... that'll be the tough part....

Congratulations again to Debbie!  It is on its way.

Strawberry Patch Shell Hat + Ear Warmer

I couldn’t get enough of this cute little hat after I posted about it here.  And I thought this yarn would be a perfect shell hat for those that want a little more color than just white. 

Next on the list for this yarn: an ear warmer.  I think I might have to get more of this yarn to make more items out of it for the shop.  I just love how optimistic & bright this yarn is.  

Or maybe I should try it in a few granny squares for the afghan.

It’s the Last One! - Ear Warmer Giveaway Week 4

Congratulations to Genevieve!   She has had her heart set on the rose pink ear warmer since Week One!

For this last week, I want to open the love to everyone who has entered any of this month’s giveaways. 

So if you only commented on Week 1 and didn’t win, you’re comment is your entry to this week’s.  If you entered Week 1 AND Week 2, both your comments (each individual comment; not facebook likes) will count as entries for this week’s.  Same for Week 3

Strawberry Chocolate

If you’re happy with your number of entries, sit back and enjoy this week. 

If you want to increase your chances, you can comment on this post for one more entry.  Tell me how you liked or would improve this month’s series of giveaways. 

Midnight Blue

Since we are down to our last ear warmer, I figured I would offer to make an ear warmer out of this beautiful Midnight Blue if the winner prefers darker colors to the variegated pink.  Like usual, just let me know in your comment which you would prefer to win.  Or get creative & come up with your own color (I can't guarantee that I'll have it, but if I do, I'll make it for you!)

Thank you for supporting me and this little blog.  I’ve loved sending off small prizes and it wouldn’t have been nearly as fun (or possible) without all of you.  Thanks again!  
*Please be sure to include an email address with your entry at which to notify you of the good news.  A winner will be chosen at random Saturday, Jan. 28, around midnight and notified Sunday morning.  Please respond during the day Sunday so I can ship your prize on Monday.  Otherwise a new winner will be chosen Monday morning.  Thank you!