Continuing along the New Mom series, I thought I'd share another post I'd written when EJ was still young and I was struggling with finding a few moments of "me" time.
So, how do you find time for the things you love?
I resurrected my old favorite pastime of listening to podcasts while washing dishes (because otherwise I hate washing dishes), knitting and folding laundry.
Watching Hulu or YouTube videos while folding laundry or working on products for the Shop.
Blogging, both reading and writing, are still dedicated to naptimes.
And because social media is a time-suck, I've started checking facebook & instagram during bathroom breaks to keep myself on a time limit. TMI? Who else is brave enough to admit this habit? ;)
My favorite has definitely become the stroller walks with other Mommy friends to exercise and socialize with other adults as well as get a playdate and socializing time in for EJ and her stay-at-home friends. I've started blogging more about Mommy fitness over here. I'm so excited for the warmer weather so we can get out more often than we could during the winter.
What about you? How do you sneak in your favorite pastimes throughout your everyday? I'd love to hear all about it in the comments below! Please let me know in the comments below and Pin the image above to bookmark this post if you found this helpful. I look forward to seeing you on the next post!
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