Ah, who doesn't love a good New Year's Resolutions post? Even though I've been a little quiet on the blogging front -- because production has increased 150%! woot! -- I still love dreaming, reaching, and outlining my goals for each year.
My favorite tactic is to reflect on the previous year: what worked stellar? What needs improved? What would be a wild accomplishment? What gives back to my family and betters our lifestyle (more together time)? How am I going to accomplish each one?
Most are business related goals, because I'm a work-a-holic by nature, but I'm also listing a few personal ones to remind me everything has a season: a season to create, a season to be a mom, etc. I'm also including how to accomplish each goal realistically.
My 2018 Resolutions
1. Devote one day a week to personal exercise - stroller walks in the park or spinning at the YMCA.
2. Purge the basement of everything we don't use or rotate into use within a year + devise better organization of what we do keep. - I'm hiring my mom to babysit for a few days so I can focus on this hardcore -- bring everything up, deep clean and wash the basement, return necessary items in an organized layout.
3. Can enough jams + green beans + salsa + tomato sauce + applesauce to hopefully last us for two years + holiday gifting. - Plan "canning parties" with other mom friends or hire my mom to babysit.
4. Schedule a family picture for October + send Holiday cards before Thanksgiving. - We use Shutterfly to print our cards + organize our recipient Addresses in a spreadsheet so my hubby can print, peel, stick, stuff, and seal each envelope.
5. I'm attending at least 2 shows a month, beginning in August and ideally 3-4 shows for each Holiday month (Oct & Nov).
6. I will open an e-commerce shop on this website, while maintaining my Etsy shop.
7. I will finish Choosing Your Tools eBook. - Everything is written, I just need to buckle down and finish editing all the pictures. This is a photo-heavy tutorial of sorts. I'd love to create a video to go with it.
8. I will publish all my original patterns for purchase. - Photograph each step, type the pattern, send to testers(?), and release one a month. Perhaps I'll do a giveaway of one or two free copies to announce each release.
9. I will finish the Weekly Knit Stitches email series. - Finish editing photos for 2-3 swatches already made, and finish choosing and making the last 2-3 swatches.
10. I will host a Yarn Night on Zoom or Facebook or Youtube Live the last Saturday or Sunday of every month. - Research the best video chat platform so I can meet so many lovely faces and help more friends learn how to knit and crochet where YouTube tutorials have failed.
11. I will send a monthly email update. I was getting really good at this, but fell off right as the Holiday rush was picking up. - I will plan out each month's topic for the year so I can easily flesh it out, have awesome pictures, and hit send.
12. Stretch Goal: I will blog monthly, if not weekly. - I will start planning my topics regularly again, photographing more, and search for guest contributors to spice things up.
13. Stretch Goal: I will have guest bloggers post about fashion styling + home decorating with Knits, monthly. - I currently have a Tweet that I post monthly, but perhaps a facebook and Instagram search as well as a sidebar ad would help? Anyone want to guest post? Let me know!
Lots to accomplish - and I'm always one to bite off more than I can chew. Most of my business goals I hope to complete before Christmas, because I have another surprise not listed here. So we shall see...
What are your Goals + Dreams for this year? I'd love to hear all about it in the comments below! Please let me know in the comments below and Pin the image above to bookmark this post if you found this helpful. I look forward to seeing you on the next post!
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