First Towel Set!

It's finally here!  A kitchen towel set in the shop!

I've made many sets, but never had the time or motivation to make a set "just because" (even if it is for the shop).  It seems like I needed more motivation and a little extra inspiration for a specific someone to push me through the marathon of knitting a whole towel set versus a fun sprint of dishcloth-ing. ....

I'm especially in love with this color palette.  Yay for cool spring colors!  :]

Christmas Crafting: Knit Gifts

This year I loved the opportunity to knit a bunch of gifts for the some close family friends. Here are just a few of the knitted gifts they received:


He modeled his pair and I made a few pairs for the shop.

Hand Towels

This was a host gift to a very close friend of my husband's. I made this the weekend we stayed with them.


One of many custom orders for co-worker gifts. I always love seeing the colors come together!

Hand Knit Socks

This beautiful variegated blue sock is one of six pairs in progress. These will be a post-Christmas gift.

More Mittens

The latest gift, fresh off my needles are these adorable little mittens for my cousin's daughter.  I made them start to finish on Christmas Eve.

More to come as we celebrate with other family members.  :)

Dishcloth Set

Continuing with my "old pictures" theme, I thought I'd share the first dishcloth set I've made.  It lives at a family's house whom I occasionally babysit for.  They just re-did their kitchen and, ironically, the colors match *perfectly*!



one of the four dishcloths

Knitted Hand Towels

Since I guess I never posted pictures of my knitted hand towels, I thought I'd give you a peak at the two I made for myself last summer.  

They've really weathered the washer/dryer pretty well, though I prefer to line dry them when it's nice out to save them from getting too beat-up.  
And surprisingly, the white doesn't get too dark or dirty!

A Few Fun, Cellphone Photos

This is a towel I made for my cousin's 8th birthday last month. Here it is hanging in her bathroom (with a pink, green & yellow theme).  Dan & I visited her & her family this past weekend. Her mom is helping us design our wedding invitations.

This is one of the inspiration pieces we liked from the book of samples.

Have a wonderful Thursday :)