Sweater - DONE

Yay!  I can finally say, after 3.5 years, that my first sweater is FINISHED!!  It took 3 years just to finish it the first time:

On vacation in Michigan

but when I went to try it on it was too small :(  The waist was too high, the armpits too snug, the sleeves were short but do-able and the neck....  I couldn't even fit my head through it! haha.  I think this is what I get for going with the measurements and NOT checking my gauge. ....

So this time I checked the fit more often as I went along since I didn't write down the other sizes when I copied the pattern those years ago. ... Oops....

After all is said, done, & tried on it still doesn't look or fit like this...

But I guess I'm ok with that.  The only thing I would consider ripping it out a third time would be to elongate the yoke a little for the armpit's sake.  It is a bit of a tight & high-fitting in its placement, but it sure is a lot of work just to unravel all those different colors.  ;)

*PS - Please excuse the lack of posts lately, unfortunately the new Smartphone hasn't been the great blessing I was hoping; it is more like a bigger distraction FROM productivity, :-P  And it doesn't help that it is feeling like spring & the garden has been calling my name.... hehe.  Anyone else feeling the pull from the outdoors?

Help from Interweave & Knitting Daily

Who knew?  I love learning new knitting and crocheting techniques from video vs. books.  I think it is the second best way to learn if you can't learn one-on-one with someone in person.

Yes, I knitted my sweater too short :(  and this Thanksgiving was going to be my weekend to fix it so I can *finally* wear it this winter.  Thankfully I received this video in my inbox today and saved myself a little more trial-and-error.  Now I just have to try their technique on my sweater.

And since I found this so helpful, I figured someone else out there might find it as helpful as well.

p.s. I'm back from all the wedding craziness & honeymoon abroad.  I can't wait to start posting pictures of the new house.  I promise I have a few before and afters and many more to come as we start decorating projects.  :)