Lazy Lately

Excuse me as I've been laying low the last half of last week and this weekend.  I think all our travels with different friends every weekend for the last 4 weeks has taken its toll on my energies.

I'm happy to report it hasn't stopped my knitting much, but it has slowed down my progress on projects.

I hope you will stick around; This weekend is the first since Jan. 28th that we will be in town and I'm so excited!  You'd think we were leaving on a vacation! haha.  As always, I have way to much on my Want-To-Do List for Saturday (Sunday is our Day of Laziness & my brother's 20th birthday) plus there is a Seed Swap that I will *absolutely* be attending so we'll see how much I can squeeze in.

I promise there is a LOT of Etsy & crafting on the TOP of that list.  :]

P.S. Check out PrettyWit's adorable Valentine Note to her winning Rose Pink Ear Warmer.  I'm infatuated with her graphic art. :]