Yarn Along

Originally I hadn't planned to join this yarn along because I'm missing one of the two main requirements: a current-reading material.  But then I realized, or maybe, just being honest with myself, I have done a lot of reading:

Sadly, the only thing I really read between scripts at work & magazines or newspapers from the Gentleman I drive, is the ads for my latest craze;

some might call it a beginner's version of "extreme" couponing -- but I say I still have a lot to learn.

And I don't want anyone to think this blog is going to become about couponing -- thus my hesitation to post anything about couponing or to admit that I've doing a lot of it lately... -- but I thought it would be kind of humorous to share & it would make a fun twist on the read/yarn along.

Happy yarning!

Lazy Lately

Excuse me as I've been laying low the last half of last week and this weekend.  I think all our travels with different friends every weekend for the last 4 weeks has taken its toll on my energies.

I'm happy to report it hasn't stopped my knitting much, but it has slowed down my progress on projects.

I hope you will stick around; This weekend is the first since Jan. 28th that we will be in town and I'm so excited!  You'd think we were leaving on a vacation! haha.  As always, I have way to much on my Want-To-Do List for Saturday (Sunday is our Day of Laziness & my brother's 20th birthday) plus there is a Seed Swap that I will *absolutely* be attending so we'll see how much I can squeeze in.

I promise there is a LOT of Etsy & crafting on the TOP of that list.  :]

P.S. Check out PrettyWit's adorable Valentine Note to her winning Rose Pink Ear Warmer.  I'm infatuated with her graphic art. :]

My First Knit-Along

Thanks to a note from Genevieve, I've finally taken the challenge (for me) to join a Knit Along.  The hardest part for me is staying on a schedule when it comes to crafting.  I'm so easily distracted that I hate to promise anything in advance (that is why all my shop items are ready-to-ship, hehe).

So I'm very excited to say that I have *almost* completed this personal challenge of mine.

I've been re-working the pattern I'm following due to my lack of size-1 knitting needles (I'm using my great-grandmother's size-3) and I think I've ripped it out 3 or 4 times now.

.... not including the last 3 of the decrease at the top. .... I can't wait to see how quick I can whip up its pair.... :)

I wish I better understood the protocol when it comes to linking up, but I'll admit I've only seen it on Field Wonderful's blog, so I hope no one minds....

Today (or these last two weeks, rather) I'm knitting along with LuvintheMommyhood in her Warm up to Winter Knit Along.

I can't wait to show off the pair once they are off the needles :]

Is anyone else doing a knit along?

It’s the Last One! - Ear Warmer Giveaway Week 4

Congratulations to Genevieve!   She has had her heart set on the rose pink ear warmer since Week One!

For this last week, I want to open the love to everyone who has entered any of this month’s giveaways. 

So if you only commented on Week 1 and didn’t win, you’re comment is your entry to this week’s.  If you entered Week 1 AND Week 2, both your comments (each individual comment; not facebook likes) will count as entries for this week’s.  Same for Week 3

Strawberry Chocolate

If you’re happy with your number of entries, sit back and enjoy this week. 

If you want to increase your chances, you can comment on this post for one more entry.  Tell me how you liked or would improve this month’s series of giveaways. 

Midnight Blue

Since we are down to our last ear warmer, I figured I would offer to make an ear warmer out of this beautiful Midnight Blue if the winner prefers darker colors to the variegated pink.  Like usual, just let me know in your comment which you would prefer to win.  Or get creative & come up with your own color (I can't guarantee that I'll have it, but if I do, I'll make it for you!)

Thank you for supporting me and this little blog.  I’ve loved sending off small prizes and it wouldn’t have been nearly as fun (or possible) without all of you.  Thanks again!  
*Please be sure to include an email address with your entry at which to notify you of the good news.  A winner will be chosen at random Saturday, Jan. 28, around midnight and notified Sunday morning.  Please respond during the day Sunday so I can ship your prize on Monday.  Otherwise a new winner will be chosen Monday morning.  Thank you!

Week 3 Winner

My, we didn't have a whole lot of turn out this week; but that just improves the odds for those that entered!  .............*drum roll*......................  Congratulations to Genevieve!

She has had her heart set on the rose pink ear warmer since Week One!  Her perseverance has paid off :)  

And for next week's giveaway (the last one!) I have decided to give everyone a second chance right off the bat.  If you have commented on ANY previous week and not won, consider it as your entry to Week 4.  Of course, you can comment again for a second entry when Week Four is posted, if you like.  I will have more details tomorrow when Week Four is live.

Thanks for all your support and congratulations again to Genevieve!

A Little Tribute

I've mentioned PrettyWit's sister-blog & their post about writing letters.  Well, after seeing their latest treasury (featuring my pink ear warmer! Thanks!)...

I was inspired to gather up a new treasury of my own (it's been a while).  Going through my favorites, who knew I had so many snail-mail paraphernalia already saved there?  I guess it was time....

Anyone else wishing they had a little more spending money?  I know I do ;)