July Art Walk

Well, the July Art Walk was definitely fun and I'm so glad I did it with a friend.  I think it takes a lot of the nervousness out of doing something new because you can encourage each other.  And we definitely learned a lot about selling our crafts as well as hosting a physical space.  We took notes and have already started discussing what we'll improve on for next month's event.

One of the best things I learn from hosting a physical space, is seeing what others touch and what they say about my items.  I've had suggestions for wine cozies due to a woman's cooing over Longies and a washcloth mitten from a soap saver.  

I always try to note what people purchase and what colors.  I haven't been able to really find a pattern yet to predict what will sell, but at least I know what to make more of.  This time: one yellow/white soap saver, one set of blue/green hot mits, and one grey and brown thick crocheted hat.

I sold the bottom-right grey/brown hat.

I've also learned what items' inventory I need to bulk up.  Namely: hot mits, baby socks, coaster sets, and now No Scratch baby mittens (a new obsession thanks to Field Wonderful).

Coaster sets in a hanging fruit basket.
I think setting up a physical space increases my creativity in how to display my items and what goes with what.  I did get a couple compliments on my clothesline which I thought was appropriate for things that might be hung on a line.  :)

My half of the tent.  I joined up with Thistle & Bees.
Crochet braceletes

I also offered a free bracelete to anyone who mentioned seeing my posts on Facebook but I didn't have any takers.  I did get one on Instagram, though!  My cousin from Georgia will be getting a few in the mail in a few days.  :)

So that what July's Art Walk.  A fun time with good friends.  We had many friends & family members stop out and support us which was GREATLY appreciated!

Out Takes

I'm not usually one to post out-takes of my "photo shoots," especially when they involve my face, but some of these turned out so cute, I couldn't resist sharing in some way.  I hope you won't mind a narcissistic post just this once.

Getting a detail shot...

"Did I get it in the frame?"....

This is what my arm looked like after getting all those ear warmers photographed.  They each have a pair, too.  Are you ready to pick out your favorite? ;)

If you enjoyed this post, let me know if I should do more like it. 

Rain, Rain

It's a dreary, grey day here.  And yet my muse is starting to whisper to me again.  :]  Which is helping to feel like this again

And make me miss these kind of days...

But I always hated that sticky-drying feeling afterwards.  I guess I was a weird child.

Here's hoping I get to play photographer to those 10 ear warmers & 17 magnets tonight!

Photo Shoot!

It’s been needed for a long time.  I finally found a free Saturday to get a sunny day for photos and even a friend to volunteer modeling :)  fun!

Of course, I wasn’t planning to have a snowy-white background but Mother Nature had other ideas.  She decided to drop a few inches on us at the end of last week so I guess a winter wonderland was the look of the shoot.

At least it made for some nice seasonal pictures.  

*Psst - don't forget to enter the last Ear Warmer Giveaway.

Restocking the Shop

My friend came over Saturday to help us arrange the guest room & my craft area to make it feel more inspiring.  Who knew it would only take about 15 minutes and the first arrangement was the one we all liked?

And I'm happy to say I'm already starting to list items and photograph new ones, like those ear warmers I promised a month or two ago.  :)

It's so exciting to be back at this again.  I've really missed the blogging (plus I LOVE reading comments), and the listing of new items.  I just hope I can start driving more traffic to the shop now.

Accounting (?)

Just got home from the bank.  :)  I now have a separate checking account for all my Etsy deals (sales, supplies, etc).  :) !!!!  Next To Do: Set up my PayPal seller's account.

Right now: Going on a (scarf) photo shoot with my friend.  Look for them in my new shop soon (hopefully later this week)!