A Few New Changes

A couple weekends ago, my wonderful husband organized 8 of our friends to come over and paint the second bedroom so we can start to convert it into a nursery.

(please excuse the mess; this was only a couple days after painting)

As a bonus (and because we were ready for a change in the living room), they also painted the living room a cheery yellow.  :)  I love how it looks when the sunlight pours in with its bluer light.  The table lamps are a little warmer in color so I've been on the look out for bluer LED bulbs to swap them out.

So far I have a handful of hand-knitted baby items made up (mittens, socks, hats, one blanket and one sweater) but I feel like a slacker that I don't have more sweaters and more longies made up.

A few of the smaller items I have collected for Baby.

These bibs + washcloths are from BeastiesBabies

Lots of knitted socks + mittens

I also keep thinking I need to make a few outfit pieces (sweater dresses/jumpers and sweater vests).

What item(s) would you most recommend I make a priority to knit before baby is here?  Is there something that you are so happy you made and use all the time or highly recommend now that you have a little wisdom under your belt?  Please let me know!  

Groundhog Weekend 2013

Groundhog Day is not usually a holiday I celebrate very much, but last year we had the opportunity to visit Punxsutawney, PA for their big holiday at the beginning of February.   A friend of ours is from Punxsutawney and invited us to join him and his wife for the road trip weekend.  So of course I had to keep busy during the drive...

I brought my remaining stash of thick, wool-ease yarn to see what I could come up with.  I even surprised myself how quickly they whipped up!

Even though I haven't posted many of these hats in the shop, they sell quite well at all the shows I've done.  I even had a custom order for a pure orange one at the 2013 Make It Indie fair.

What do you think of these thick, wooly unique beanies??  Do you love the one-of-a-kind look or do you prefer to design your hat yourself?

Annie sig_Contribute.jpg

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July Art Walk

Well, the July Art Walk was definitely fun and I'm so glad I did it with a friend.  I think it takes a lot of the nervousness out of doing something new because you can encourage each other.  And we definitely learned a lot about selling our crafts as well as hosting a physical space.  We took notes and have already started discussing what we'll improve on for next month's event.

One of the best things I learn from hosting a physical space, is seeing what others touch and what they say about my items.  I've had suggestions for wine cozies due to a woman's cooing over Longies and a washcloth mitten from a soap saver.  

I always try to note what people purchase and what colors.  I haven't been able to really find a pattern yet to predict what will sell, but at least I know what to make more of.  This time: one yellow/white soap saver, one set of blue/green hot mits, and one grey and brown thick crocheted hat.

I sold the bottom-right grey/brown hat.

I've also learned what items' inventory I need to bulk up.  Namely: hot mits, baby socks, coaster sets, and now No Scratch baby mittens (a new obsession thanks to Field Wonderful).

Coaster sets in a hanging fruit basket.
I think setting up a physical space increases my creativity in how to display my items and what goes with what.  I did get a couple compliments on my clothesline which I thought was appropriate for things that might be hung on a line.  :)

My half of the tent.  I joined up with Thistle & Bees.
Crochet braceletes

I also offered a free bracelete to anyone who mentioned seeing my posts on Facebook but I didn't have any takers.  I did get one on Instagram, though!  My cousin from Georgia will be getting a few in the mail in a few days.  :)

So that what July's Art Walk.  A fun time with good friends.  We had many friends & family members stop out and support us which was GREATLY appreciated!

Another Blanket and a Trip to Bristol, RI

I did it!  I finished an adult lap blanket it ONE WEEK!!

Here I had only just started the pattern the Thursday before July 4.  Aren't the colors fun? :)  

I brought this blanket with me on our mini vacation to Bristol, Rhode Island to visit a former roommate and experience the longest celebration of Independence Day.  During the 4 and a half hour long parade I accomplished an entire segment (yellow, green, variegated, pink, and back to yellow)!  Yes, I did get quite a few "compliments" on my "knitting,"  i.e. "Isn't it a bit too hot to be knitting?" one soldier joked.  Why yes sir, it is merely 88* in the sunshine, but that is why I am not keeping it on my lap, but next to me.  :)  
It was a wonderful day of amazing period costumes and many military veterans along with local business owners and organizations' floats.

I can't believe I get to say it is already complete but I do and what makes it even better is I get to display it for the Toledo Art Walk that I am participating in tomorrow!  If you are in the area, I hope you'll stop by and say hello.  :)

I have a few other new goodies that are awaiting their close-up, like a few braceletes and soap savers, and I hope to post about them soon.

Happy Fourth!

Christening Set

While in Gatlinburg, TN with my husband's extended family on his father's side, I continued on my baby sock marathon with a few variances.

1.) I made a pair of socks in white

2.) And, to break up the sock monotony plus to go along with the Christening theme, I tried out a bonnet pattern that's been on my list well over a year.

I was surprised how quickly it whipped up and may have to try it again with the proper hook size (I was using one size smaller than the pattern called for) for baby gifts.

Now I guess I have to find a dress pattern to go with this set.

Goals for 2013 - New Items

Continuing my goals for 2013, I have a few new items I'd love to add to the shop:

Longies & short-leg soakers (What do you think about these?  Do you think they would sell well?  Do you know someone looking for these?)

More Baby Blankets/ Lap Blankets.  Maybe even some Chevron that's been taking off on Pinterest and in Etsy shops.

Socks - this would be the first made-to-order item in the shop.  

Baby clothes (booties, hats, sweaters) & toys - these are still on the back burner.

And then there's this crocheted flower bouquet that has me scratching my head...

Is there something else you'd like to see?  Please post it in the comments :)

First Mobile Post

This is my first *mobile* blog entry from my phone. Let's see if it works....
In other news, look what I made today! It's a bag!

Edit: Success!  Now I have an idea what it will look like when I post from my phone (not the best formatting, but nothing online editing can't fix, hehe).

Anyway, it may look like just a bag, but!....

It's the bag/package that the dishcloths will be shipped in!  I'm thinking about decorating it a little more so it's not just a brown bag but this is what I got done today (x3).

And the stitching...

Not the best job (I rolled the wheel by hand because I didn't feel like running the plug across the living room, hehe), but pretty good for using recycled and on-hand materials, huh? :)

It even fits a baby blanket!

(& a sneak peak of the baby blues blanket ---> ready to ship!)