Luxurious Purple Cables

Remember that little hint of purple?  I finally finished it over the weekend:

This will be going to its new home sometime this week.  If you are interested in a scarf similar to this one, please post a comment stating your interest and your contact info.

**Don't forget about the giveway I'm hosting until Tuesday night (12:00am EST)! **
All you have to do is post a comment on the previous post, giveaway, as your entry.  You can increase your chances to win by posting about my giveaway on your blog or on Facebook and leaving your link in another comment.  Good luck!

This week is going by fast.  I have a few new projects started, one more finished and 2 that I'm lagging on (namely, the purple scarf and the coordinating purple hat to go along with it).  But with a family weekend coming up (lots of socializing = good time to knit mindlessly) and more family time coming up with the holiday, I think I can crank them out in time to give them to their new home before December comes :)

The new project:

It's going to be a throw pillow!  covered in buttons!  I hope to have this in the shop by December.

The finished project (finally... I've had the design in my head for years, finished the scarf over a year ago and just never got around to lacing it):

The Corset Scarf.  Find it in the shop soon!

Some Fun Colors

These are some of my favorite colors.  I think using these colors in dishcloth form really warms up the kitchen and adds a little sunshine. :)
Can you tell I like super-macro shots?  I think they are beautifully artistic, but also fun because it's like feeling the texture of an item with your eyes. 

Here is a little peak at some other items I can't wait to list (maybe at the end of next week?): 

I will be offline for most of the weekend but look for more updates on Monday!  (and don't let that deter you from leaving comments, hehe)

What do You Think?

No new photos today, unfortunately.  I was hoping to list a few more items in the shop today but was called into work last minute and I still have a full day ahead of me.  So hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning (which is scheduled to be another Etsy morning).  Be sure to check back soon!

Question - should I do a sale (like a 3-day 20% off anything in the shop thus far), or should I do a giveaway (and if so, what should I give away?)  I look forward to your input! :)

A Sneak Peek

at Tessie's *hat* . . .

A friend of mine who saw that I was starting a shop on etsy requested a few items even though my shop isn't open (yet).  The items should be in the mail later this week but I thought I'd post a little preview of one of them for her now.

Can anyone guess what it is?

Last Week

Here are the pictures to the mitten-hat-&-scarf set for the little boy from Brazil.  Please ignore the different lighting between pictures.  I was working at different times but I promise they are matching blues as I used the same skein for all pieces.

... the mittens ...

... and the hat, well, I didn't get a picture of that one, yet.  Maybe I can get a picture of him wearing all three things at once another time.