More Cowl Colors

(That's a bit of a mouth full to say... "cowl colors...")

Remember this sneak peak?

With my custom sock order winding down, I'm happy to announce more color options for my favorite cowl pattern will be available in the shop.

Oatmeal Cowl
Rust Orange Cowl

What colors would you like to see?  Sometimes I feel like this guessing game is hit-or-miss for me, so I'd love a little hand in this department.  Who wants to be my assistant designer?  ;-)

Newest Cowl

I'm so excited about this new cowl.  Not only is it my favorite style to wear, but I was also able to get my beautiful cousin to model it for me while we visited her family for Christmas!  :)

I have to admit I'm not normally much of a color-red fan, but this variegated skein was calling out to me in the store and I couldn't wait to get it on my needles.

Long enough to wrap around twice for extra neck coverage.

I was hoping to have enough to make two double-wrap cowls but I guess I didn't realize how much I truly needed.  So this time I have one long (above) and one shorter (below).

How do you think they turned out? 

It's One of Those Days

The ones that are too-few coming in 2012 but have hit me like an Energizer-Bunny tonight :]

The beautiful productivity of constant-motivation (still going strong for over 4 hours!!).  Almost seems like one of those new 5-hour-energy commercials.  Anyway, check out all the progress!

I have photographed & drafted 6+ listings today; including a new cowl with my cousin modeling!

I will be staggering the dishcloth listings over the weekend, but you can enjoy the new cowls tonight!

My Autumn earwarmer was featured in a treasury today!

See it?  Bottom-right corner.

Did I blow up your Newsfeed today?  I apologize; some sort of creative bug grabbed hold of me this afternoon and I couldn't help feeling the need to share those stories with my followers.  Did you find any inspiration?  Or should I stop sharing others' posts/pictures and keep it to just Etsy shop-related stories?

I have more to share but I guess I ought to save some for another post and that energy is finally starting to slow (after 6+ hours!).  Anyone else excited for the new year?

Teal Cowl

Remember this cowl?  Well, after going through inventory, I found it and decided it's the season to get it out again & list it.

I tried to get some good pictures of it after inventory. Though it's a little hard to find a white wall in this house.  .... Maybe it's something I should add to the little studio corner?

The first picture is closer to the cool, green undertones in this teal color.  I love how full & luxurious this cowl feels around one's neck when it's double wrapped.  No cold's getting through these stitches!

Another Finished Cowl

Except this time this one is for the shop:  The Teal Cowl.

You can wear it wrapped twice around for a warm, close fit...

Or long and casual...

On to the next project: Sara's cowl.  Which will look like a replica of Ashley's.  But only nearly because they are both handmade & I never write my patterns down ;)

That was fast!

Ashley's cowl that is.
Now that it's all ready to go to its new home, I've picked up a second skein of teal yarn to finish another back-burner project:  A teal cowl doubled over so it is twice as thick & tied-in-a-knot to really keep one's neck warm.

I started this one a while back to be one of the 3 cowls I promised myself I'd have made before the winter's over. ... Looks like it's only going to be one or two for the shop by the time winter ends here.  Happily, Mother Nature likes to keep toying with us and sending us rain & 40 degree weather but then she turns around and slap us with 30 degree days & snow storms.  oy.  I'm so ready for spring & warmer weather.

ADD - Another Project on the Side

Yup, I can never stick to one project from start to finish.  I either get bored with one and start another or I put the first project down, forget where to look for it when I'm ready to knit again, and end up starting the next thing on my list.  hehe.  So here is the next thing:

Ashley's cowl

So I take this with me when I'm not home in case I have to wait or while I'm visiting to keep my hands busy.  Then while I'm at home I need to get back to those socks.  At least I have something on my needles. I hate not having something to work on.  :)


How has everyone's week been going?  Sorry I've been missing in action.  Just as I was starting to get back on the wagon, haha.  I'm currently working 24-7 for a family friend so I won't be blogging until some time next week if not the week after.  Sorry to be leaving anyone who reads this in the dark for that long of a time but rest assured I'll have lots to blog about when I get back!  I've already finished both cowls (and have pictures!) plus a bonus one and have a good handful more custom orders to blog about.
Happy Weekend!