
Just popping in quick to say hello!  This is what I look like most days now:

She is 3 weeks (+5 days) old & loves sleeping on my chest!

So you can see how I don't get as much done as I'm used to.  When these precious moments are had, they are savored and spent catching up on my magazine, book and blog reading.  I've only just started attempting blog writing like this and so far it seems to be working like a charm!  Until she wakes up suddenly ravishing!  :)

Bear with me; I have plenty of more meaty posts in the works but I have a feeling it is going to take much longer to get them fully composed and ready to publish.  I hope you are all doing well.  Keep up the lovely posts and I promise to stop in again soon :)


How has everyone's week been going?  Sorry I've been missing in action.  Just as I was starting to get back on the wagon, haha.  I'm currently working 24-7 for a family friend so I won't be blogging until some time next week if not the week after.  Sorry to be leaving anyone who reads this in the dark for that long of a time but rest assured I'll have lots to blog about when I get back!  I've already finished both cowls (and have pictures!) plus a bonus one and have a good handful more custom orders to blog about.
Happy Weekend!