Socks - Completed!

Lynn contacted me at the end of November to knit up some socks for her two grandkids and herself, two pairs each.

Six pairs, that is!

little girl's pair #1

little girl's pair #2

boy's pair #1

boy's pair #2

Lynn's brown & pink stripe pair
Lynn's oatmeal pair

And I'm happy to say I now have my basic sock pattern memorized!  Maybe there will be socks for the shop in the near future...

Custom Cable Red Hat

I love little surprises in my inbox.  Especially when they lead to a sale!  I received a convo on etsy, last Thursday, asking if I could make this cable hat in red.

I originally had a mitten started for this knit along but the yarn & the pattern weren’t lining up the way I would have liked so I ripped it out and started the red hat. 

I was surprised, even for me, with all the ripping out, backtracking, and fixing on Friday & Saturday that I finished it in less than two days – Saturday evening while babysitting!  So I emailed, listed it and had it all squared up to go in the mail Monday morning.  Great weekend! :]

*Don't forget, this is your last week to enter the Ear Warmer Giveaway.

Latest Challenge = Socks!

Yup!  I've put it off long enough (sometimes I think I psych myself up too much about how "difficult" socks are; afterall, I dream of being able to knit them without thinking...).  The first sock is started and nearing time for the heel-turn (the dreaded, hardest part of making a sock according to most who attempt it).  I started it yesterday (Friday) evening.  I'm hoping to have the pair done by the end of next weekend?  One can hope.  :)
I'll get some pictures up eventually following my progress.  I haven't taken any yet.

More projects to add to the Custom Orders List:
*2 grey cowls for 2 friends (one has already paid me before she left for Australia; the other is trading me an hour massage) :).

A Long Time Ago...

It was the beginning of the New Year (yes, sorry it took this long, haha) I had my first custom order to drop off to its new home.  And I took pictures before I handed them off just for the purpose of this post that never got written until now.  Better late than never, right?

So here they are:

One brim hat

& 4 Cuffs 
(2 for each person) to keep their wrists & hands warm :)  I like wearing mine a lot too.  It's a nice little change from the metal bangle everyone else wears.  Not to mention it's less noisy & not as cold in the winter.  Check them out in my shop, too!

Productive! = Success!

Yes, I'm still around.  Life has been getting pretty busy around here.  I picked up a fourth (!?) job for the spring only because it is in the area of my degree and I figure it is time I start using that University degree ;)  So bear with me, the posts may not be coming as often as they had before the new year but I'll definitely be trying to keep up with a schedule once my life's schedule settles into itself.

On to the fun part:  Today was an Etsy Day!  That means I have nothing scheduled outside of my apt (all those other jobs or errands) and I only work on Etsy To-Do things like....

Making more packaging.  I've been dwindling so low, I used up my last good-sized package to ship off a cowl to Chicago (one of my more recent custom orders) and realized that was the last one!  Yikes!  Luckily, I haven't been too busy that I needed to get orders out lickety-split but that is changing soon.  I have another order to ship out Thursday and quite a few others locally that are interested so my little fingers will be working quite a bit for the next couple weeks.

The Cowl sent off to Chicago.
Other things done today:
*worked on Thursday's custom order (half done)
*sew 24 package envelopes in 3 hours (while watching The Last Song, a good background movie)
*photographed two new Etsy dishcloths
*re-listed two Etsy dishcloths, listing other 2 new ones next
*blog post (*check*!)

Now off to bed because I have a full day of work outside the apt :-\  One of these days Etsy'll pay the bills.... right? ;)


How has everyone's week been going?  Sorry I've been missing in action.  Just as I was starting to get back on the wagon, haha.  I'm currently working 24-7 for a family friend so I won't be blogging until some time next week if not the week after.  Sorry to be leaving anyone who reads this in the dark for that long of a time but rest assured I'll have lots to blog about when I get back!  I've already finished both cowls (and have pictures!) plus a bonus one and have a good handful more custom orders to blog about.
Happy Weekend!

2 Cowls

I started both cowls today.  4 hours on one and 15 minutes on the other (I needed to change things up; my fingers were cramping).

I thought it might be fun to take a picture after each hour's progress.  So here is the first cowl's hourly progression:
after hour one

after hour two

hour three, I think?  (I started loosing track)

Here's where I ended today:

after hour four

And the other cowl 

I only worked 15 minutes on this one, but the yarn is thicker and the needles are bigger so it goes faster.

I haven't started the Craft Challenge yet.  I figured orders take priority ;)  But I'm planning to work on it after next week.

It's Slow but...

it's a start!  I now have 2 official (custom) orders with a 3rd working out her design (she is supplying the materials).  So now I will be busy busy working on those two orders this and next week.  Both are grey cowls; one as a neck-warmer size & the other big enough to also double as a hood.  I'll post pictures as I get started.  Have you seen the new items?  I promise I'll be listing more soon.  I've finished another two sets (or more?  I've lost track...) of dish cloths and after I have 10 new sets listed, (and those orders of course,) I'll be adding other new items like cowls, mittens, and more hats. 
What colors are you looking for in a knitted (or crochet) item?  I can always use new ideas :) 

Happy Hump Day!